Jen Holzer
Postdoctoral Fellow, ResNet Project
“Theme 1”: Decision support systems
Water Resilience Lab, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada
Sustainable Futures Research Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
As a sustainability social scientist, I am interested in how the processes of knowledge production and collaborative environmental governance can help bridge gaps between research and action toward sustainability. Currently, as a postdoctoral fellow with the Canadian NSERC ResNet project, “a network for monitoring, modeling, and managing Canadian ecosystem services for sustainability and resilience,” I am working to advance decision support systems for natural resource decision-making in working landscapes. I am currently planning a social network analysis to understand knowledge flows and decision processes in these Canadian landscapes.
Before returning to academia for her doctorate at the Technion, Jen worked in a variety of positions related to environmental policy, management, and education in the United States. These experiences included managing energy efficiency programs for public utilities, writing grade-school curricula on energy issues, creating a training program for climate change interns, consulting on municipal climate action plans, and conducting background research for environmental lawsuits. In her free time, Jen enjoys hiking, creative writing, and flamenco dance.
Orenstein, D.E., Troupin, D., Segal, E., Holzer, J.M., Hakima-Koniak, G. (2019). Integrating ecological objectives in university campus strategic and spatial planning: a case study. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2017-0219
Holzer, J.M., Adamescu, C. M., Cazacu, C., Díaz-Delgado, R., Dick, J., Méndez, P. F., L. Santamaría & Orenstein, D.E. (2019). Evaluating transdisciplinary science to open research-implementation spaces in European social-ecological systems. Biological Conservation, 238, 108228.
Holzer, J.M., Adamescu, M.C., Bonet-García, F.J., Díaz-Delgado, R., Dick, J., Grove, J.M., Rozzi, R., Orenstein, D.E. Negotiating local vs. global needs in the International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER) Network’s Socio-Ecological Research Agenda. Environmental Research Letters. 13(10):105003. 2018.
Holzer, J., N. Carmon and D.E. Orenstein. Evaluating socio-ecological research: A proposed methodology. Ecological Indicators. 85:808-819. 2018. Here is a brief, narrated slideshow that summarizes the main points of the article.
Dick, J., D.E. Orenstein, J. Holzer, C. Wohner, A. Achard, C. Andrews, N. Avriel-Avni, P. Beja, N. Blond, J. Cabello, C. Chen, R. Díaz-Delgado, G.V. Giannakis, S. Gingrich, Z. Izakovicova, K. Krauze, N. Lamouroux, S. Leca, V. Melecis, K. Miklós, M. Mimikou, G. Niedrist, C. Piscart, C. Postolache, A. Psomas, M. Santos-Reis, U. Tappeiner, K. Vanderbilt, G. Van Ryckegem. (2018). What is socio-ecological research delivering? A literature survey across 25 international LTSER platforms. Science of the Total Environment. 622-623(2018):1225-1240.
Avriel Avni, N., Holzer, J., H., Shachak, M., Orenstein, D.E., Groner, E. (2017). Using transdisciplinary action research toward sustainable management in the Negev Highlands. In T. Maposte (Ed.). Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Action Research and Action Learning. IGI Global. here
“Leveraging Environmental Data to Promote Cooperation Toward Integrated Watershed Management in the Hebron/Besor Watershed.” (2014). Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture: Natural Resources and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Vol. 19, No. 4 & Vol. 20 No.1.
Recent Posters and Presentations
“Impacting environmental policy in the spaces between research and implementation: Stories from the field.” July 16, 2020. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Low-Carbon Conference.
Farhad, S., Holzer, J. Baird, J., Hickey, G. Ecosystem services governance: Leveraging theory for action. IALE North America Virtual Annual Meeting. May 10-14, 2020.
Holzer, J. Lessons from global socio-ecological research for the Cairngorms National Park LTSER. Ecosystem Services Community Scotland (ESCom) Annual Conference 2018. June 28, 2018. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Holzer, J. Negotiating local vs. global needs in ILTER’s socio-ecological research agenda. National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center Symposium: Boundary Spanning: Advances in Socio-Environmental Systems Research. June 11-13, 2018. Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Blog posts
Jen’s blog posts for her research in Romania are here and here,
Jen’s blog posts for her research infor Scotland here.
A link to blog post for Barcelona Training School here.